My Favorite Sport

My favorite sport is basketball. I love it because it makes me feel like I am happy and athletic. It also makes me excited when I make the game winning shot. I love basketball. What is your favorite sport?

The Most Important Part Of WWII

WWII was a intense battle across the world. But the most important part of the war was “The Bomb”. The bomb that killed most of Hiroshima by not just impact but also radiation poisoning. The radiation poisoning then killed the new born babies of the birth moms who were previously infected by the radiation poisoning. The bomb also put an end to the war pretty fast. After the U.S took victory, Many Japanese Americans were harassed by other Americans. It was a terrible war. What was your opinion on WWII?

5 Blogging Commenting Tips

1: Make sure to be respectful and if you have nothing nice to say don’t  say it.

2: Make sure to stay on topic of the post.

3: Do not give specific information about yourself (ex: I will be at the bus stop from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM)

4: If you disagree with the blogger do not make rude or disrespectful comments. Just say something you did like about the post.

5: The last rule is to NOT use emojis or any type of slang (ex: LOL, BRB,  ;), 🙁